Yes, iStoria offers a free version that users can benefit from.
The free version allows you to read stories or practice exercises daily, with a maximum of 3 uses per day.
These uses automatically renew the following day. The free uses in iStoria are recharged daily at midnight, based on your local time.
What about the paid version?
The Premium version of the app provides unlimited access to all features. It includes:
The ability to read an unlimited number of stories daily.
An ad-free experience.
Many exclusive benefits for subscribers.
Can I try the paid version for free?
Yes! You can try the paid version for free for 7 days.
During the trial period, you will have full access to all features. If you wish to continue after the trial ends, the subscription will be renewed automatically through your Google Play or Apple account.
Note: If you do not want to continue with the subscription after the trial ends, you can cancel it before the 7-day period to avoid any charges.
For more details or any questions, feel free to contact the iStoria support team.